Friday, July 8, 2011

Culture Shock

Dear Reader,
Have you ever been put in such an awkward situation that you are left dumbfounded? You don't have any words left in your mouth and your brain stops functioning? I think that happened to me yesterday. I work around a lot of Hispanic people. Hispanic men, to be exact. And one in particular has seemed to decide that I am to be the apple of his eye. Jorge has been saying hi to me every day since he met me. And yesterday, for the first time, he stood in my work space and talked to me, yes he talked and I politely nodded where necessary, for half an hour. After telling me that he is 32 years old and my rejecting him at least twice, he told me I was a BMW. What? Yeah he said that. "All these other girls here are Toyotas and Hondas. But are a BMW." "Well...uh...thank you? I guess..." I didn't know what to do. I watched as several of the guys I work with walked past...not seeming to catch my "Save me!" vibes. I explained to him that he's too old for me. I'm not interested...even though he tells me I'm beautiful every five minutes. Then he asked if he could touch my hair. "Bescuse me?!" "It's so curly though!" Apparently he's never seen curly red hair before. I refused and continued my duties. He had made up his mind though and wouldn't give up. After pleading with me to go to lunch, I agreed to let him meet me in the park today. I brought my own lunch. You know you would have too. I sat across from him and listened to him talk about bikes and Mexico (he came here 15 years ago...which would have made him 17 and me 8...isn't there something terribly wrong with this picture?) and actually let him touch my hair for 3.21 seconds. I know it was probably too nice of me but like I said, he was a persistent little bugger. Jorge told me after he gave me a hug...blech...that he would be back for one more week. Saints preserve us. Thankfully all my friends love me and are willing to protect me until he finally leaves. I've already decided that there will be no more lunch dates with Jorge. Viva la USA.

1 comment:

  1. Haha...this story was SO much better in person! You put a lot more detail in when you told it!
